Saturday, October 31, 2009

Acirfa Litany

(Pic: Desert Flower by Joadoor. For your viewing pleasure)
This is the first and one of many poems that I will be posting on here. I wrote it years ago when I saw the movie Hotel Rwanda. The movie made me furious, and it reminded me of the hardships that Africans endured because of Western influence. As an African myself, I couldn't help but to blame the Europeans for the tragedy of Rwanda. But then it dawned on me soon after that at some point I have to stop blaming others for the problems in Africa. Of course this doesn't mean that I ignore the historical context...

This poem called the Acirfa Litany explains it all...enjoy and share your thoughts
Because “Africa” is spelled
Because of you.

Because you were there, because we were slaves

broke f r e e.
Because of our strength, because of the Son, our sun…shining.

Be-cause: be-lieve, be-ware, be-free, be-lost;
Because we live in schizophrenic worlds


Because of you, because of us;
Because of us, we die.

Copyright. 2010. Moji S.

a HUGE warm 'wowzing' welcome

Hello WORLD...

This is a blog for dialog...poets and creativity are especially welcomed!

Took me a while to start this blog, with you here, I can keep it going so come back for more posts...