Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Black Rain - Alonzo Saunders

I absolutely love this work of art....just fabulous!

Daughters of Eve

I wrote this poem below in honor of two women I once knew; they both passed away of cancer at a very young age. I post this poem today in honor of World's AIDS DAY. Enjoy and share your thoughts!

Title: Daughters of Eve

Daughters of eve
As beautiful as can be
Are now being laid to sleep
For all eternity

No chance to blossom, no time to shine
Their stories go unfinished;
No happily ever afters

Let the people gather
Let their memories be revived
Let the people morn
For these daughters will never return

This plague wears many faces…
Too many faces
Too many unfinished stories

Let every daughter know her enemy
Let each of them hold on to hope
For the adversary wears many faces
And makes happily ever afters no more

This rope must be stronger
This grip must be hard
Daughters of eve,
This hope must be in God

Hold on and never let go
For the enemy has a trap for your soul.

These lost wear many masks…
Too many facades
Too many unfinished stories…too many have went untold.

Copyright. 2010. Moji S.