Monday, September 13, 2010

gut feeling

I have started to believe in the power of the "gut feeling." I had a gut feeling when I met a man four years ago that he would be the one. My gut feeling was right! Here is the first poem I wrote to him (my very first valentine's day gift to him).

Title: I Imagined You

I imagined that his face will be as glorious as the morning sun;
His splendor as radiant as the moon

I will see joy in him through his smile,
And strength from his healing wounds

I imagined that each breath he takes is not in vain;
Each day is a special gift to him

I will see vision in him through his eyes;
He has a purpose in mind; an important goal to fulfill

I imagined that the path he walks is approved by God;
Indeed, I will see and hear God in him

I imagined that his words will have wings to fly,
And his character will have anchors to endure each storm.

Copyright. 2010. Moji S.