Tuesday, November 23, 2010

RED ROSE - Rosalind McGary


Hey you,
Ashamed of my color?
Look closely, I have no mask,
I appear as you see me, no facades

You shouldn’t hate me loving myself
Why bondage?
There is freedom in being free…

It’s in the curve of my lower back
sides merging into my thick brown thighs
My arms strong with my sweet face and flat rounding nose
The gracefulness of my textured hair swinging as I walk
Swinging my gifted hips

My glazing color, like the smooth red soil of Africa

There is freedom in being me, peace
Without your approval.

Free your mind

Let the queen inside you emerge like a serene perfume,
You were made with fear and wonder.

Just like
A glance from God

You are like me,

A foundation of things which are astounding,
a deeply nurtured root,
the “iron man” tree of strength and humility

We are

A glimpse of everything wonderful,
Unmovable, resilient

Like our ancestors long time ago,
Remember them,
the women warriors,

African, American, Islander
all together,
one shade of black.

Copyright. 2010. Moji S.