Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nikki Giovanni Inspired

diamonds are mined ..... oil is discovered 
gold is found ...... but thoughts are uncovered....

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I love July 16

My ace-hubby-babe-and-beau, my classy-sister-queen-and-cool, my mama-joyful-tried-and-true, my family-sharing-love-and-blooms, my girlfriends-magic-hugs-and-chill, my god-daughter-smiling-care-and-free, my niece-jumping-too-much-fun, my facebook-w/-message-full-of-love...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Silence is the best answer for a fool

Today someone said a derogatory something to someone concerning some people like me.
And sometimes I gain the strength to ignore some ignorant people like him but for some reason, I almost said something that would have been somewhat crazy. And if I did, in some way and some how, he wound have found some crazy reason to keep me and some people like me ransom in his crazy stereotype box. This is why silence is sometimes the best answer for fools like him.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Your Fantasy

See the curve in her lower back,
The way those heels hug her feet,
The sway of her hourglass waist
You see her,
You glance
Across the room, across the way,
on the street

 In your mind, on your thought

 Her long silky legs
You could have looked closer

 The words from her caramel lips,
A cry for help
But her thighs,
Exactly how you imagined them
Her chest wide open
Her breasts
Not her decree of desperation

 So you came over
You said hi
She said yes
She is not easy
She is hurt
Though a lot of fun
 On her back
On some bed, in some house

She keeps coming,
Just a little kiss but
She keeps calling,
Just a tender touch then
She keeps stalking
Just one night
Call her baby
Now her turn
with your baby
Only fantasy
Not abortion
A lifetime in sorrow
Always ready to die
Her cry for help

Now your fantasy
Now your turn
try again
look closer
A vicious cycle
A victim of the victimized

Copyright. 2013. Moji S.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Soulful Grace - Monica Stewart

Love this piece of art... what do you think of it?

The Request

Help me not to see your face black man
evil, cruel, creature
help me

Not to hear you
beating her brown skin red,
turning her pink tongue blue

help me
white man
to know the good in you,

its gone now...
lost inside of her after you left

what was once green, now

un-nutured and growing
like a gangrene parasite

festering over questions
tumor over generations, spreading...

help me not to see you

your scarlet words are not love
your "golden" crack won't heal
they only poison her innocent mind

you don't take her pain away...
your "gifts" takes her family away!

you, yellow man

it is you,
a silent disease...
growing and
smothering her womanhood,

like a heart attack,
a stroke,
a cancer of the mind

quitely (emotionally),


will somebody please,
rise up,

help her?

Copyright. 2010. Moji. S