Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Request

Help me not to see your face black man
evil, cruel, creature
help me

Not to hear you
beating her brown skin red,
turning her pink tongue blue

help me
white man
to know the good in you,

its gone now...
lost inside of her after you left

what was once green, now

un-nutured and growing
like a gangrene parasite

festering over questions
tumor over generations, spreading...

help me not to see you

your scarlet words are not love
your "golden" crack won't heal
they only poison her innocent mind

you don't take her pain away...
your "gifts" takes her family away!

you, yellow man

it is you,
a silent disease...
growing and
smothering her womanhood,

like a heart attack,
a stroke,
a cancer of the mind

quitely (emotionally),


will somebody please,
rise up,

help her?

Copyright. 2010. Moji. S


  1. This poem embodies the relationship between emotional turmoil and physical illness...

    I wrote it for women, so that we can start to take responsibility for our lives and for our emotional stability!!!

    Hope you have enjoyed the poem...stay blessed

  2. A powerful poem with a unique call to accountability........kudos babe!
