Monday, December 20, 2010

Peace of Mind

Deep darkness;
A prison of my own making;
I thought I could breathe

I was blind and could not see…my enemies
Didn’t have to stab me in the back;
I gave them the knife

I allowed their opinions…they’ve dominated my will;
I thought I was safe;
I thought I could breathe…

Copyright. 2010. Moji S.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Queen of Fall

Enjoy "Queen of Fall" by Marcella Hayes Muhammad

Back to the Basis

I was taught not to be complete without you and
As your woman, I should always look to please you

My identity was yours to define
Defile, denial, and delete…I was suppose to be a woman about it

To forget about it…
to forget about the things that made me…
the things that made me, me.

But I’ve always remembered…
Remember that you’re the one that’s forgotten.

You’ve forgotten that there is One above you too

The One that has shaped me fearfully,
He wanted me to be perfect,
He wanted me to love what He’s created
Soooo Wonderfully…

The One who made me, me
Made me completely

without you.

Copyright 2010. Moji S.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

RED ROSE - Rosalind McGary


Hey you,
Ashamed of my color?
Look closely, I have no mask,
I appear as you see me, no facades

You shouldn’t hate me loving myself
Why bondage?
There is freedom in being free…

It’s in the curve of my lower back
sides merging into my thick brown thighs
My arms strong with my sweet face and flat rounding nose
The gracefulness of my textured hair swinging as I walk
Swinging my gifted hips

My glazing color, like the smooth red soil of Africa

There is freedom in being me, peace
Without your approval.

Free your mind

Let the queen inside you emerge like a serene perfume,
You were made with fear and wonder.

Just like
A glance from God

You are like me,

A foundation of things which are astounding,
a deeply nurtured root,
the “iron man” tree of strength and humility

We are

A glimpse of everything wonderful,
Unmovable, resilient

Like our ancestors long time ago,
Remember them,
the women warriors,

African, American, Islander
all together,
one shade of black.

Copyright. 2010. Moji S.

Monday, September 13, 2010

gut feeling

I have started to believe in the power of the "gut feeling." I had a gut feeling when I met a man four years ago that he would be the one. My gut feeling was right! Here is the first poem I wrote to him (my very first valentine's day gift to him).

Title: I Imagined You

I imagined that his face will be as glorious as the morning sun;
His splendor as radiant as the moon

I will see joy in him through his smile,
And strength from his healing wounds

I imagined that each breath he takes is not in vain;
Each day is a special gift to him

I will see vision in him through his eyes;
He has a purpose in mind; an important goal to fulfill

I imagined that the path he walks is approved by God;
Indeed, I will see and hear God in him

I imagined that his words will have wings to fly,
And his character will have anchors to endure each storm.

Copyright. 2010. Moji S.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

its been long since i bloggggeeedd

Life as been so busy with school, relationships, transformations, etc. I have been busy reading a book called the 7 habits of highly effective people and I suggest this book for everyone. Here is a nice quote from the book....

Self growth is tender; its holy ground. There's no greater investment. -Stephen Covey