Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Back to the Basis

I was taught not to be complete without you and
As your woman, I should always look to please you

My identity was yours to define
Defile, denial, and delete…I was suppose to be a woman about it

To forget about it…
to forget about the things that made me…
the things that made me, me.

But I’ve always remembered…
Remember that you’re the one that’s forgotten.

You’ve forgotten that there is One above you too

The One that has shaped me fearfully,
He wanted me to be perfect,
He wanted me to love what He’s created
Soooo Wonderfully…

The One who made me, me
Made me completely

without you.

Copyright 2010. Moji S.


  1. I wrote this poem to empower women.I hope it is encouraging.

    Women, lets love ourselves!

  2. This is profound. Particularly in marriage, there is a thin line in knowing the meaning of submission for women and the fact that there is neither man or woman in Christ. In essence, it is love that prevails.
